Welcome to my Blog, this is where I talk about my latest projects. View my website here: www.lisakannakko.com

Friday, October 21, 2016

Open Show Toronto

When I launched Open Show Toronto in 2014, I did not anticipate the boundless resource that it would become for creativity, creators networks, and community building.  It has taught me the power of story, of shared experiences, and allowed me to encourage and mentor emerging and working photographers. 

As Lead Producer I curate and host Open Show's social event, bringing together the public to experience compelling visual stories and interact directly with photographers, filmmakers and multimedia producers.  

Open Show’s core event format features 5 projects, either still images projects or films with the opportunities for artists to develop their work further with a Q & A from their audience and peers.

Five different presenters from students to award-winning professionals show a project based on narrative, topic or single visual style. We curate for diverse genres including reportage, art, commercial, historical and more. Both completed and works in progress are accepted. Collaborative projects are also welcome.

Join us for Open Show Toronto #16 on October 27th at the Belljar Cafe.   Check out our lineup: 

Toronto Photographer Sarah Palmer attended rallies and the Republican National Convention to shoot multi-frame exposures for her timely political series "Drunk on Trump" about the current U.S. Presidential race.

Haley Stewart is a recent graduate from of Sheridan College. Her photography project "Twins" took her to Anime North to reveal similarities and a desire to connect between multiples in costume.

Photographer Nick Kozak captures the daily struggles of youth in the First Nations community of Fort Albany, Ontario. 

Photographer Matthew Kruchak recently moved to Toronto from Saskatoon where he spent nearly three years photographing Sailor Dan, who sells his marine-themed artwork on the city's streets.

Be apart of the conversation shaping the future of photography and video.  Submit your work for an upcoming show.

Lisa Kannakko
Open Show Toronto
Lead Producer 

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